Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Let God Arise, 2010

To get Papa Ayo’s caller turn, Text 021948 to 4100 [MTN USERS ONLY]

In this Page
Day One | Pastor Obinna
Day Two | Pastor Chris Oarhe
Day Three |Rev Samuel O. Osaghae
Day Four | Rev Don Odunze jr
Day Five | Rev Seth
Day Six | Dr. G. F. Oyor
Day Seven | Apostle Charles Osazuwa
Day Eight | Rev. Zilly Aggrey
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Day One (Opening Day)

The opening service of Let God Arise of Word of Life Bible church was a woo moment. The meeting was declared open by Papa Ayo Oritsejafor (the National President of CAN and PFN)
The meeting is going to have several anointed men of God ministering, including the likes of Rev Samuel O. Osaghae, Benin, Bishop Fred Addo, Kaduna, Bishop Abraham Chibundu, Benin, Rev Sam Oseitutu, Ghana, Rev Johnson Suleman, Auchi, Rev Obinna, South Africa, Pastor Chris Oarhe, Port Harcourt, Emmanuel Nkon, Ghana and more
Highlights from the service
Pastor Obinna from SA ministered in the opening service (both sections)
Text: Exodus 3:7-14
Topic: Your sorrows are over.
The book of Exodus is the book of movement. Prayer: “by the end of the service there will have been Movement in your Life”
Sorrows speak of affliction, pain, calamity, troubles. Sorrow is not the plan of God for you. See Jeremiah 11:29, in John 9:1, ‘the enemy has done this…’
God said, Israel is my first born but God allowed the enemies to afflict the children of God. The more the afflictions, the more they waxed stronger.
This means, the enemies cannot stop you.
They can delay your miracle but they cannot deny you your miracle.
John 8:58; 1:1-2.
The devil was not at the beginning. The word was there. God is a God of time and seasons. Eccle 3:11, Isaiah 55:8, 9.
The children of Israel lived in penury and sorrow until Moses was born. When Moses was chosen in Exodus 3, he presented his inability: ‘I am unable to speak being a stamarer’. And God sent him Aaron.
When your time has come, God will send you a man to speak for you. Psalm 30:5
When Moses appeared before the altar of Pharaoh,
Pharaoh became uncomfortable.
After today, your enemies will be uncomfortable.
Whatever held you bound is broken today in the name of Jesus. Every trouble has an expiry date. It is not forever. Heaven has just announced the expiry date of your calamity. It is over.
The trouble is over.
When the children of Israel were about to leave Egypt, God said, you shall not go empty handed. You came into this world empty but you shall not leave empty.

1. Lamentation 3: 44: I tear the clouds in the name of Jesus.
2. John 5: the man at the pool sat there for 38 years doing nothing. Lord give the grace to do something.
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Day Two

Highlights from the service
Pastor Chris Oarhe from Port Harcourt ministered on this wonderful day.
Topic: Divine Re-programming.
Text: Rom 8: 1.
The service was basically a prayer service (as it should be, if I may add)
We were lead into several prayer sessions drawn from Bible passages like:
Psalm 102: 13
Gen 8: 1
I Sam 1: 9
Another word for Law is Program.
The word of God is the program that the life of a Christian is suppose to run by.
Jos 1: 8
Sin makes a man’s life shameful. You are too big to mingle with sin. You are the rightsourness of God
James 1: 25
Isa 55: 11
Every word that God has decaled consigning you is looking for you because it has been programmed. It will not go back, it most hit its target.
Psa 107: 20
The word of God can travel. It will go to your village and destroy that shrine, it will locate that problem at the source and destroy it etc.
If you don’t pray, satan will prey on you.
Jud 20.
"Call anybody that says you should not pray Agent! Agent!! Agent!!! Because only an agent will discourage you from praying."

O Lord arise and remember me,
Let God arise and favor me this month
My God arise change my program.
Lord revise my program for good.

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Day Three

Highlights from the service
Pastor Samuel O. Osaghaei from Benin ministered on the third day.
Like the second day this day is characterized with prayers.
Topic: The God of The Third Day.
Text: Jonah 1: 17, 2:10.
Job 20, Eze 3, Eze 10: 1, Rev 21.
Exodus 19: 10 – 11
Pray - Lord I sanctify my soul, body and spirit in preparation for what God is about to do on this third day.
Hoe 6: 2 -3
Pray - What ever cool me down in any area of my life, be destroyed now. In the Name of JESUS.
Lord on this day Revive me.
Impotence means you beautiful but unattractive, available but not assessable, around but not noticed, good but not discovered, talented but not selected, qualified but not employed, laborious but not appreciated
Pray - LORD Destroy every yoke of impotency in my life.
Every spirit that makes people interpret your reality opposite.
Eze 10 :1
Pray - whosoever swallowed my miracle vomit it.
“HE will rise you up and you shall live”
Matt 15: 32

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Day Four

Rev Don Odunze jnr.
Topic: Power by the Altar
Text: Judg 6: 23 – 26, Psa 50: 5, Ecc 5: 5 - 6.
Highlights from the service
He came strong and was particular about sin. Sin is a killer. It will anchor you to evil altars.
When you lose your prophet, you lose you profit.
There are several kinds of covenants that the altar enforces. These include the covenant of marriage, thanksgiving, blood etc.
What does the altar represent?
The altar is a place of sacrifice. No alter will exist without a sacrifice.
When you give offerings your dance but when you make a sacrifice, you cry. Every Sacrifice must hurt the giver. A sacrifice is something you give and your comfort is taking away for a while.
The altar is a place of worship. Rom 12: 1, Rev 5: 11
The altar is a place of inquiry. Num. 23: 13
The altar is a place of prayer.
The altar is a place of bread.
The altar is a place of settlement.
Those who criticize you are those you are better than.
Num 23:
Scarifies are the voices and powers of spirits.
As God begin to move this season, Ask HIM, what do I do to release myself?
The alter is a place of prayer.
Pray - From this alter I declare every process initiated against me upon any other altar, in the air, at the junction, where ever they are, suspended in the name of JESUS.
Pray - "As fire came down to consume Elijah sacrifice, fire will consume your sacrifice today and as Elijah ordered his enemies destroyed, you receive the authority to order your enemies destroyed."

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Day Five

Rev Seth.

Topic: The Celebrity Anointing.
Text: Gen 21: 6-8, I Sam 16: 1, 6–11; 17: 22–23
Highlights from the service
1. In the market place of life there are two categories of people: The celebrity and The spectator.
2. There are two kinds of sit in life: The stage (the stage is where celerity are made) and The other is the space where the spectators are sited (back roll).
3. Every man was born to be celebrated. Gen 1: 26
4. Every man has a space at the top.
5. You are not in this world to be a spectator.
6. If you die without been celebrated, you are a minus to your generation.
Pray - oh Lord, I will not die without been celebrated.
7. The celebrity anointing will take you from the back sit to the front sit of life.
There are spectators every where. There are family spectators, community spectators, office spectators etc.
prayer - Today, you will become the celebrity in that family, office, school, community etc. This will be done by God Himself. The Lord will announce you. Everywhere you go to in life, God will announce you before you get there.
All spectators do, is sit and watch others on stage. They are experts in discussing celebrities. They are always afraid to seize opportunities. They can live and die in the crowd and never make any attempt to be different.
Prayer - Your celebrity anointing will force your rejected Saul to a compulsory retirement.
When you walk and run around celebrities, you will become a celebrity with time.
To become a celebrity you must:
- Pray yourself out of obscurity.
- Pray yourself to the stage, to stardom.
- Be an addicted problem solver.
- Fine out what you are called to do.
- When you are put on stage, use only your gift and talents to perform, don’t ware another mans armored.

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Day Six

Dr. G. F. Oyor.
Topic: Let God Arise
Text: Psa 68:1
Highlights from the service
This massage is divided into four parts
Let God arise
Let his enemies be scattered
Let those that hate you flee
It is your turn
There are certain people that can cry out and say LET GOD ARISE.
1. Those that do not know what to do any more. If you are there now, then you can cry now.

2. Those that men can not help. Have been disappointed over and over again. Then cry now.
3. Those that money cannot rescue. Do you have issues that money cannot handle. Then you can cry.
4. Those that their creditors are after. Fear not if you are here, if only you will cry now, God will settle your debts.
5. Those that have been mocked over and over again. Are there things that make you ashamed in your life? Cry and God will left them up.
6. Those that lack things that every body has. Eg. A woman that cannot have a child (a barren woman)
Luke 1: 36, Mark. 10: 26. Many peoples name have been changed because of their problems. (Elisabeth, who was called barren)
God is removing that name now.
7. Those that have been written off.
Some problems that you face in life is to glorify God. Your problems will lead men to glorify God.
John 10: 10
Let his enemy be scattered.
Every works of the enemy in your life, is scattered now in the name of Jesus. what ever has been stolen, killed or destroyed, is been replaced now.
Pray - Father, deliver me today.
Due 28: 7
Anyone that hates you without a cause or even with a cause, because of mercy today, they are scattered in the name of Jesus. Ps 35:1 – 8.
Pray - Who ever you are tormenting my life, let God arise and scatter you now. Be scattered in the name of JESUS.
NOW because it is your turn.
Even if you are not around they will send for you.
II Cho 20: 12

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Day Seven

Apostle Charles Osazuwa.
Topic: The last Gate.
Text: II kings 7: 3
Highlights from the service
Pray - Any gate that prevent you from entering into your breakthrough is destroyed
Pray - Now is the time to leave the gate and go inside.
Leprosy kept them outside the gate. Prayer - Whatever is keeping you outside the gate is destroyed.
The same way there are gates in the physical, that is how there are gates in the spiritual world.
There are gates to promotion, healing, London (places), presidential sit, senatorial sit, etc. Prayer - The last gate to your breakthrough has falling down in the name of JESUS.
Est 6: 3
Sometimes things need to happen to force you out of the gates.
Prayer - If you can tap into it now, thus says the Lord; that prayer you have been praying, this will be the last time you will pray it.
Everything consigning your case, God has finished it.
Luk 7: 11 – 15

Prayer - Unfriendly friends and friendly enemies that are gates, are exposed by fire. They shall not survive let God arise.
Pray - That burial, that they have plan for you, is canceled. That grave, that hey have dug for you, is covered. Your destiny will not be buried.
Acts 3: 2
Don’t allow people to carry you because they will never take you to your solution.
No man will have the privilege to carry you again.
Pray - Let God arise and take me out of the gate.
Sweat is terminated from your life today.
What is dead in your life, receives life and strength, in the name of Jesus.
After Let God Arise, the faces you see will change because your class has change, the places you can now enter has change.
Let your amen be Hot, Strong and Powerful.
Now start leaping, sing praises and rejoices.
Pray - Father every gate between me and the city, pull it down. I pull the gates down.
Acts 12: 10

If you don’t face what is facing you, what is facing you will not phase out.
Sometime the reason why your prayers are not answer is because what your outer mouth is saying, is different from what your inner man is saying. There most be no doubt.
Life is more than power and connection. What you need is the power that makes iron gates open on there own accord.
Pray - father cause the iron gates in my life, destiny, business, job etc to open as I approach, in the name of Jesus
Ps 24: 7.
Behind every gate, there is a voice. Every voice that challenges your breakthrough, is silenced, in the name of Jesus.

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Day Eigth

Apostle Zilly Aggrey.
Topic: Eight Blessings.
Text: Due 28: 3
Highlights from the service
Even as God put on Jesus a unique anointing that made john recognize him as the Lamb of God, today you receive an anointing that the people that will help you will see and recognize.

Jacob, bless but in pain. That may be how it is in your life. But today, on this 8 day of the 8 month, double new beginning, your situation will change.
It is like that in the Niger Delta region, bless but in pain (this region, is so bless that, only from oil, over 2 million barrels, the recorded figure, is collected in a day. Wait, multiply 2 million by $75 and then multiply the solution by N130, that's roughly 10 billion naira, in a day; BLESS BUT IN PAIN)
But today it is over.
God has given us two presidents from this region, President Goodluck and President Ayo, to lead us out of this pain.
Luke 10: 41 - 42
Pray - What ever you have, no body will take it away.
Jacob’s mother was his helper. God will send you helpers in your life.
Deu 28:3
Today, you will receive these eight blessings.
1. The blessing of the city. Every city you enter, the blessings of the city will fall on you. The courses of the city, will be far from you.
2. Blessing of the field
3. The blessing of the body. You will be healthy all the time.
4. The blessing of business. Struggle is terminated form your business, receive that grace, in the name of Jesus.
(Advice to young men: 1.- learn how to drive and get a license 2.- Get an international passport 3.- Learn how to use the computer. Get connected to the internet. 4.- Register a business name. open a current account in that business name.)
5. Travel blessings. Ps 128: 8. "You go and you will come back."
6. Battle blessing. Because you are bless in battle, every battle you fight, you will win.

7. Blessing of an open heaven.
8. Blessing of promotion. This promotion is not the type of level 1 grade 3 to level 2 grade 3 but that, that will shock your generation. One that can not be graded.

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